4 Quotes & Sayings By Lorna Crozier

Lorna Crozier is an author and speaker. She has been a member of the United States Marine Corps Reserves since 1997 and currently serves as a reserve officer. Since leaving the military in 2010, she’s worked full time on her books, which include two novels and two non-fiction books. She writes about leadership and life lessons for women on her blog, The Military Wife Chronicles Read more

Her books include: The Military Wife: How to Survive the Military Life, The Military Wife's Travel Guide, Surviving the Military Life: A Military Wife's Guide to Life After Military, and Surviving the Military Life: A Military Wife's Guide to Raising Self-Reliant Children.

And so many things get lost. Not just a set of keys or a photograph of your father with his first truck, but the door those keys once opened, the childhood house you long ago walked into, the father who used to carry you on his shoulders high above the crowds at the summer fair, his body now ashes and shards of bone. You hold these things in place on a page, you walk through that door, touch his face and smell the cigarette smoke on his breath and in his shirt, you make things breathe again in words. You feel the lightness of a ghostly touch across your skin. In that small house on the corner, the porch light suddenly comes on. Lorna Crozier
Who but my mother held those small pieces of my childhood? Where would they go when she was gone? Lorna Crozier
Mom, mom, mom, mom! A yowl rose from my gut, my bowels, my womb, raw as a birth cry but with no hope in it, a maddening howl, a roar, the water a wailing wall shattering around me. Unsyllabled, thoughtless, the cry rose from the oldest cells in my body. I hadn't known grief could be so primal, so crude. The violence shook me. When it stopped, I fell to my knees in the shower, and the water called to the water in me; I wanted to melt, to run down the drain and under the city to the creek and then to the river thirty miles away. Mom, mom, mom, mom! . Lorna Crozier